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Thanks to the great feedback of our users in the Auphonic Goes Freemium blog post, in private emails and in other articles, we got many ideas what should be changed and can be added to our recently introduced freemium model.

Image from Ramberg Media Group.

Today we release three ideas to handle Auphonic Credits more flexible:

After more than two years of free Auphonic, we have to introduce our long promised freemium plans because of financial reasons.

Image from techcello blog.

Good news first: Auphonic is free for 2 hours of monthly processed audio!
If you need more, you can buy Recurring Credits (billed every month) or additional One-Time Credits (billed only once, added on top of free/recurring credits). We hope that this combination is affordable and allows many use cases, from small podcasters to big corporations.

Here are all plans: Auphonic Pricing

Please also read our Pricing FAQ, all details should be answered ...

As of today, we also support Google Drive as an external service for incoming and outgoing file transfers to/from Auphonic!
The integration is very similar to our Dropbox interface and described below.

How to Use your Google Drive in Auphonic

First you have to connect your Google Drive account with Auphonic: go to our services page and click the GoogleDrive button. Then you will be redirect to Google and have to accept that Auphonic can access your Google Drive.

To process files with Auphonic (incoming file transfers), you must put them into the folder 'auphonic' in your Google ...

Last week we presented our new multitrack algorithms at the Podlove Podcaster Workshop in Berlin. Lot's of users asked us about a multitrack version of our system before - now it's here and can be used!
We reworked all our algorithms and therefore start with a private beta program for our long-term users and supporters.

Audio statistics of an Auphonic production with multiple tracks.
Music segments are displayed in red and the two speakers in gray and black.

The Auphonic multitrack algorithms are now released officially: Auphonic Multitrack Release.

What is Multitrack?

Auphonic is optimized to process ...

Our Noise and Hum Reduction algorithms are now included in the Auphonic Leveler Batch Processor, version 1.2, on Windows and Mac. Note that this is a free update!

Auphonic Noise and Hum Reduction

The Auphonic Noise Reduction algorithms remove broadband background noise in audio files with slowly varying backgrounds.
First the audio file is segmented in regions with different background noise characteristics, then a noise print is extracted in each region and removed from the audio signal. A classifier decides if and how much noise reduction is necessary.
For more details and audio examples see Noise Reduction. ...

The Auphonic Leveler Batch Processor is now also available for Windows desktop operation systems (32bit and 64bit)!
The interface is very similar to the Mac version and you can use one single license to run the Leveler on your Windows and Mac system!

About the Auphonic Leveler

The Auphonic Leveler is a Desktop Batch Audio File Processor for loudness management:
  • Automatic adjustments to be compliant with new loudness standards (EBU R128, ATSC A/85, ITU-R BS.1770, etc.)
  • True Peak Limiter is included
  • Adaptive Leveler, which corrects loudness variations within one file
Our unique Adaptive Leveler analyzes the content of audio files ...

Last week we proudly released the Auphonic Leveler Batch Processor for Mac OS X 10.6+ (64 bit). This is the first desktop version of Auphonic audio algorithms and also the first commercial Auphonic application.

After valuable user feedback we added a trial version, AAC encoding and MP3 encoding to the Auphonic Leveler 1.1 today!

About the Auphonic Leveler

The Auphonic Leveler is an intelligent Desktop Batch Audio File Processor which analyzes your audio and corrects level differences between speakers, between music and speech and between multiple audio files to achieve a balanced overall loudness.
It includes a True Peak ...

A few days ago we added audio processing statistics to Auphonic productions, which display details about what our algorithms are changing in your audio file.
Some classifier results and processing steps are also shown directly in the player audio waveform and all statistics can be exported via the Auphonic API or the new output file format Audio Processing Statistics.
This article explains how to use and interpret the Auphonic Audio Processing Statistics.

UPDATE 2017:
Some information here is outdated - please see the documentation of our new audio processing statistics and inspector instead: Auphonic Audio Inspector Help

Statistics Tables ...

We are happy to announce that Blubrry Media Hosting, one of the most popular podcast hosting services, is now supported by Auphonic! You can export your processed audio files to Blubrry and various other services automatically.
Furthermore we integrated WebDAV, which is used by many cloud storage providers, for incoming and outgoing file transfers.

Auphonic to Blubrry Integration

Blubrry, part of RawVoice, Inc., is a podcasting veteran and famous for the open source PowerPress Podcasting plugin for wordpress, for Media Hosting and Media Statistics.

With the support of Angelo Mandato, we implemented Blubrry media ...

As we have described last week in Chapter Marks for MP3, MP4 Audio and Vorbis Comment, chapter marks are a great way to make your podcasts more informative and searchable. But while chapters are incredibly convenient for listeners to have, they are also a lot of work for producers to create!

At Auphonic, we therefore offer several features to import chapters from your favourite audio editors and other sources, that make the creation of chapter marks much easier. Choose your option:

  1. Add Chapter Marks through the Web Interface
  2. Add Chapter Marks while Recording with our Mobile App
  3. Import ...