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The new Auphonic team accounts streamline billing for companies, teams, or groups and are available to business users. A team account's owner can invite team members and admins, all of whom share the team account's credits for their productions.

The team account feature only impacts billing. Team members cannot access each other’s productions, presets, etc.
If you're interested in switching to a team account, please contact us!

What are Auphonic Teams?

A team consists of an Owner with Members and optional Admins. The Owner and Admins can add and remove team members as well as change their ...

We're excited to roll out an upgraded version of our Transcript Editor, focusing on enhancing your transcription workflow and making it more intuitive, especially for mobile users. This overhaul introduces several key improvements and features designed to streamline the transcription process.

Click here for a Live Demo

What's new?

Line by Line Editing

Your transcript is being rendered line by line. This allows for precise editing of every single timestamp. Depending on the speech recognition engine editing can be done on word or phrase level.
For optimal results, we suggest utilizing our Auphonic Whisper ASR engine.

A paragraph ...

To start a new decade of automatic audio post production with Auphonic, we are happy to launch a few updates:

New Website Design

Opening the new homepage today, you might have noticed that our website looked different from what you had been used to before. Keeping our customers’ feedback from last year in mind, we designed a new vision for Auphonic.

Our new website features a refreshed look with an improved, more engaging, and functional user experience. Moreover, a more straightforward, intuitive, and accessible navigation will give you a seamless workflow and a comfortable exploration of Auphonic’s features.
We hope ...